Conoce 'Proyecto CIRCULAR Twin'

Get to know 'CIRCULAR Twin Project'

The Twin circular project procedurally pursues the circular economy measures that are already underway in our organization, as well as implementing new measures and procedures that optimize the circularity of our company, with the aim of minimizing the environmental impact of our activity, and reduce the pressure that the linear economy exerts on the planet and the social environment.

Furthermore, this project has served to quantify the processes we carry out in our business activity and specify how circular they are, and for those that are not, design and implement improvement measures to circularize them.

At Twin &Chic we develop timeless, minimalist designs with high quality standards so that they last over time. The minimalist design makes them versatile products. The exclusive creativity designed for timelessness so that they do not go out of style and the high quality standards make the products, each garment, last over time. The selection of materials: biodegradable, without mixtures (to facilitate recycling ), recyclable and largely recycled is another of the characteristics of our firm, likewise the production is designed with high quality standards and waste minimization.

Some processes and elements susceptible to circularization that we have identified in the development of the Circular Twin project are the following:

  • The circular economy plays a determining role in the choice of fabrics, since we must opt ​​for fabrics with low environmental impact, such as linen or lyocell, preferably over organic cotton, which involves a greater use of resources in its production process. , collector and preparation as fabric for clothing.
  • The use given to waste from industrial cutting in our workshops, which would be an intermediate process of our activity and which requires immediate optimization in terms of circular economy.
  • The servitization of some of our products, dematerializing the purchase and offering a clothing rental service. This new business model could result in reducing the impact of our productive activity on the environment. This new proposal makes sense within our range of products for special occasions, which is why we consider its implementation essential.

With this ambitious project, we maintain our commitment to continuous improvement, increasing competitiveness at all levels and consolidating our leadership position in the textile sector.


Circular Twin projects ak planetari eta gizarte-inguruneari eragiten dien pressure murrizteko .
Gainera, proiektu honek balio izan du gure enpresa-jardueran gauzatzen ditugun prozesuak kuantifikatzeko eta zirkularren zenbatekoa zehazteko, eta zirkularrak ez direnentzat, horiek zirkularizatzeko hobekuntza-neurriak diseinatzeko eta ezartzeko.

Gure enpresan Denboraz kanpoko diseinuak, minimalistk eta kalitate-standard handikoak garatzen ditugu, denboran iraun dezaten. Minimalist design in ondorioz, molded products would say. Denboragabetasunean pentsatutako sormen esklusiboaren eta kalitate-standard altuen ondorioz, produktuek, jantzi bakoitzak, denboran irauten dute. Materialen aukeraketa: biodegradagarriak, nahasketarik gabekoak (birziklapena errazteko), birziklagarriak eta birziklatuak, neuri handi batean, gure enpresaren beste ezaugarrietako bat da. Era berean, ekoizpena kalitate-standard altuekin eta hondakinen minimizazioarekin pentsatuta dago.

Circular Twin proiektuaren garapenean identifikatu ditugun prozesu eta elementu zirkularizagarri batzuk honako hauek will say:

  • Ekonomia zirkularrak zeregin erabakigarria hartzen du ehunak aukeratzeko orduan; izan ere, ingurumen-inpaktu txikiko ehunak aukeratu behar dira, lihoa edo lyocell, ahal dela, kotoi organikoaren pueblon, kotoi organikoak baliabide gehiago erabiltzen baititu bere produkzio-prozesuan, kolektorean eta basatzeko prozesuan, jantzigintzarako ehun gisa.
  • Gure tailerretan industry-mozketatik data hondakinei ematen zaien erabilera. Gure jardueraren tarteko process with izango litzateke, eta economia zirkularrari dagokionez berehalakooptizioa eskatzen du.
  • Gure produktu batzuk zerbitzatzea, erosketa dematerializatuz eta jantziak alokatzeko zerbitzua eskainiz. Negozio-eredu berri horrek gure ekoizpen-jarduerak ingurumenean duen eragina murriztea ekar lezake. Proposamen berri horrek zentzua hartzen du abagune berezietarako gure produktuen eskaintzaren barruan, eta, beraz, funtsezkoa iruditzen zaigu hura ezartzea.

Proiektu honekin, etengabeko hobekuntzaren aldeko apustuari eusten diogu, lehiakortasuna maila guztietan handitzeari eta ehungintzaren sektorean dugun lidergo-posizioa sendotzeari.

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