Hacia un packaging más sostenible

Towards more sustainable packaging

As a sustainable children's fashion brand , we are concerned about the ecological footprint of all our actions. It is not easy to reduce it to the minimum we would like, but little by little we are taking steps along this line.

The last step that we are very happy about is the creation of the new packaging: a box with zero plastics, zero glues, zero inks and 100% biodegradable and recyclable:

Cream-colored, the box in which you receive your Twin&Chic orders was designed and manufactured with a local company in San Sebastián that from the beginning dedicated themselves to this project of searching for a packaging (material and production) that would respond, in to the greatest extent possible, to the circular economy criteria. The heavy weight paper with which it is made is certified by FSC, Elemental Chlorine Free Guaranteed, ACID FREE, Long-Life (ISO 9706) and Heavy Metal Absence (CE 94/62).

Plus, you can reuse it later to store whatever you want, it holds up great :) Another way of doing things is possible! #Futureisforourchildren

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