¡Haz tu propia guirnalda de renos!

Make your own reindeer garland!

When we discovered this garland we couldn't resist and got to work. It's great because you can make it with things that we all have at home.

100% circular economy!

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The process is very simple:

1. You choose scraps of fabric that you have at home and cut them into triangles.

2. Glue the pompoms with white glue to the fabric. You let them dry.

3. When they have dried, place your reindeer with tweezers on the rope and... that's it!

The Twin&Chic children loved this craft and so did we because it consists of giving a second life to materials we have at home and instilling this way of thinking in children from a young age seems fundamental to us. And the circular economy is a fundamental pillar of our sustainable commitment.

If you decide to make our reindeer garland, don't hesitate to mention us on Instagram ( @twinandchic_ )!

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