Cuidemos su infancia: en contra del trabajo infantil.

Let's take care of their childhood: against child labor.

On a day like today, International Day against Child Labor, we want to join the many voices that claim that children are children, that children have to go to school, they have to play, they have to study and, above all, they DO NOT have to work.

Because child labor deprives them of one of the most beautiful stages of their lives: childhood. The reality is very harsh and sometimes it is difficult for us to believe the little data that is known about child labor in the world due to the lack of records and transparency in these activities.

According to the ILO , child labor is considered to be work that deprives them of their childhood and dignity and that harms their physical and psychological development : dangerous jobs, jobs that take away their time to attend class, etc. Around the world, they estimate that there are 152 million children who suffer from this situation . Africa is the continent where the most children have to leave school to dedicate themselves to work: almost 72 million.

Because your future also depends on your education and your life outside of school: Future is for our children , our commitment is to take care of you in all its forms.



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